Monday, January 26, 2009


So I've been pretty lazy over the past what, two months? So I figured it was about time i put another post up here. One thing that I find absolutley awesome, is skiing. Every kind of skiing as well, free skiing, powder skiing, tree skiing/back country, mogul runs, groomed runs, a little bit of park skiing ( i just don't have the guts to try anything crazy), and racing. Racing is one of my favorite (obviously). On the ASU ski team, we do two events, Giant Slalom (GS), and Slalom (SL).
Heres a link to one of my GS runs:

and heres another link to a SL run:

These videos will do a much better job explaining the two than i will, but ask questions if you have them.

Slalom is probably my favorite event, but I'm definitly better at GS.
Ok, so after enough rambling, heres why skiing and racing are just plain awesome. Once you get the hang of skiing, it can be an incredibly relaxing activity, but it can also get your heart racing and put you on the edge, preferably the latter. When free skiing on an empty run, just about the only thing you can do is to look around and be blown away by God's creation. It doesnt matter how many times I go up to Sugar, everytime I get to the top of the lift on a clear day, I marvel at the view and how immaculate God's creation and His mountians are. Some of my best God moments have been while skiing and just thinking and talking with God in the midst of His creation.

Racing is somewhat similar to freeskiing, in the fact that one your skiing, and you're surrounded by Gods creation, but when you get down to it, its completely different. As soon as you get up to the start gate, you almost get a nervous feeling, wondering how this next run will turn out, whether you'll wind up killing the course, or if you'll ski like a little girl and get a horrible time, or even exploding and losing skis and such. As soon as you push out of the start gate, the world stops, aside you and the timer. Occasionally you can hear your team on the side cheering you on, but other than that, the only sounds you hear is the crunch of the snow under your carving skis and the thwap of the gates as you hit them. Its an incredible feeling. When I stop and think about it, I can't help but stop and thank God for skiing and racing, and for the fact that He's blessed me with a healthy body that allows me to ski. Overall, skiing can be an incredible act of worship, and a heck of a lot of fun. :)